Quizzes, the course, lasting approximately 4.5 hours, teaches inbound marketing techniques, ranging from content creation and social media promotion to conversion and lead nurturing. The videos are well produced and cover things like social media promotion, conversion strategy, lead nurturing, aligning marketing with sales, developing a conversational growth strategy, conversion strategy, applying a customer marketing approach and, of course, the fundamentals of inbound marketing. This SEO certification course is the best: mainly for novices who want to learn more about inbound methodologies and strategies.
Cost: Free Semrush Academy At Semrush, we Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data offer a range of online courses and exams, depending on what you're looking for. A good place to start is the Content Marketing and SEO Fundamentals exam, which gives you an idea of the path forward in other courses. This course lays the foundation for more advanced training in different areas of our expertise which you will find in our Semrush Academy. You can also take a look at our review on SEO Toolkit. The series of 14 three-hour video lessons is divided into three modules: Learn, Build, and Measure. In addition to video lessons, participants also have access to expert.
After the course, they can take the exam (23 questions in 27 minutes) for certification. If you continue to expand your knowledge by taking other Semrush courses, you can also try to obtain other certifications, including those for advanced users of the Semrush toolkit and digital agencies. This SEO certification course is best for: beginners and intermediate SEO practitioners who want to update their skills by learning from SEO experts. Cost: Free ClickMinded SEO training Run by a bunch of digital marketing nerds, ClickMinded offers this paid course , which has helped 8,702 startups, agencies.