The price range is wide: some charge 1 cent per word, others 30 cents. But: Filler words can make the text unnecessarily lengthy. This model places more emphasis on quantity than quality. That doesn't mean that all of these texts are bad. Sometimes a concise text is better, but the effort is still greater - then the payment is not fair. As an example, let's assume 10 hours of work for a high-quality text with 1000 words: If the copywriter charged 8 cents per word, that would be an hourly wage of only 8 euros.
Reputable copywriters therefore usually charge hourly or daily rates . A flat rate is often set. Because a text Special Data is finished when it meets the needs of the target group. The approximate scope is of course always determined. According to the iBusiness fee guide , agencies charge an average of between 60 and 140 euros per hour for text production, and freelancers charge between 35 and 105 euros. Your texts reflect your company and your appreciation for customers. Good text ensures more traffic, better rankings and a good brand image. A text that no one reads or that does not convince your target group is money wasted.
How much do white papers, infographics and videos cost? Content marketing knows many formats. Even if texts are one of the most popular due to their easier production and good SEO optimization options. E-books or white papers also need good, comprehensive texts. In addition, the budget for the design and the download landing page must be planned. However, the expertise conveyed can be crucial for a better conversion rate. Infographics also require a concept, content research and, above all, appropriate design.