You take the time to create and curate content that’s credible and take part in meaningful conversations, you can boost your ‘brand’. Keep an eye on competitors - Knowing what your competitors are doing can help you stay on top of new developments and get insights into what other brands or sellers are saying or doing. IT never hurts to know what you’re up against. Boosts traffic - If you post interesting content then people will click through to read it. You can use LinkedIn to publish an article with a link at the end or host a blog on your company’s website to drive traffic. Why not try both approaches to see which works best? Generate high-quality leads .
If you’ve established a presence on LinkedIn and are seen as credible the leads you and your USA Student Phone Number List will get should be of higher quality as they’re getting in touch due to your knowledge and activity on the platform. Plus social selling leaders get better sales results Social selling leaders stats Social selling leaders stats So whether you are formally in ‘sales’ or not, anyone pursuing a marketing-related profession will need to understand the importance of engagement and lead nurturing to succeed. What is the Social Selling Index? The phrase started to become mainstream after LinkedIn introduced their social selling index SSI several years ago. While it relates to a person’s capacity to sell, it’s also an interesting approach for people wanting to boost their brand on the network.
It’s also a great marketing tool for LinkedIn to get people more engaged on the site by selling themselves. So what is the SSI formula based on? There are four elements that the SSI looks at to determine a score: Establishing a professional brand Identification of prospects Engaging in meaningful conversationsof the SSI dashboard so you can see what elements are covered. dmi video thumbnail Join for FREE to access this video LinkedIn recommends aiming for an SSI score of or higher. At that level, you will be considered an industry thought leader on the platform.