In short, you set a price that has a greater impact on your customer regardless of whether it is more expensive than another. Just as you read it, there are values that can have a more attractive effect on your client's mind even if it has a higher price. Forget about putting the company's numbers at risk by selling at prices that do not suit you. Sit back and see how you can improve your numbers in no time. What are psychological prices? Let's first define what psychological prices are. It is a commercial strategy in which a company decides to sell its products at a more economical and rounded price in order to have a better impact on its customers.
Yes, believe it or not, there are figures that generate a positive 10 best gps tracker services in Bangladesh impact on the user's mind and that is where you have to focus. The idea is to play with the customer's emotions to make them understand that this is the alternative they need and that they will not find a better offer anywhere. It has been shown that people buy for motivations as interesting as fear, lust, power, joy and even selfishness. The question is, what emotion do you provoke with your proposals? Emphasize those mental triggers that trigger the user's purchase decision. This way you will have the upper hand and will be able to build a solid and stable business. ? Psychological pricing has had such an important effect on the market that it has been studied by various universities around the world .
In this way , Mit and the University of Chicago studied all the positive effects that psychological prices have. In this sense, they made a case with two prices . Euros and Euros respectively. The items that had the highest sales were those of . than those of , and although it may seem obvious because they are cheaper, the truth is that their success is explained elsewhere. This is how the factor strategy was developed. In short, it is about placing prices that end in or . because they give the impression of being cheaper than others, since people read from left to right. In this way, it was shown that prices have incredible power at a subconscious level , so you cannot choose values at random if you want to have a sustainable business over time.