November is usually a month of in-between seasons and making money can be difficult. Don't worry, if inventiveness is not on your side, it's best to take a look at the following sections to come up with a restaurant marketing strategy that suits your establishment.
Among the options we have considered WhatsApp Number Database for this month are a firm commitment to healthy food, traditional products and recipes that precede winter itself, as well as the adoption of some trends from the USA that have proven to be popular with consumers.
Let's get to it.
Days for a more responsible diet
This month is a unique opportunity to demonstrate our social commitment while increasing the volume of business perceived in the establishment. Among the dates highlighted are World Vegan Day (November 1), National Healthy Eating Day (November 2), World Obesity Day (November 12), World Diabetes Day (November 14) and World No Alcohol Day (September 15). Each of these dates opens up interesting opportunities that we should not miss if reservations are incomplete.
In Spain, the vegetarian population (including vegans ) is around 4 million people . The consumption trend has experienced a sharp growth in the last decade, and it seems that the adoption of these dietary philosophies continues to rise. Thus, the change in consumer behavior has made the inclusion of vegan recipes on the menu a viable promotional strategy in restaurants .
To make use of this strategy, it is not necessary to use outlandish ingredients (such as freeze-dried soy proteins and other substitutes for animal protein foods). No. It is enough to highlight the recipes based entirely on vegetables that already exist on our menu : panaches, salads, pastas, etc. Of course, World Vegan Day can also be used as an excuse to test the market reach of purely vegan options; in the more urban areas, perhaps a goldmine can be found.
Sustainability in food: an unprecedented way to save planet Earth
The 15th is World Alcohol Day. In addition to the ideas we shared with you in the marketing action calendar for restaurants in November 2018, we are now adding two other options: offering discounts to victims of traffic accidents caused by alcohol (certified by membership of an association such as the Association for Aid and Guidance for those Affected by Traffic Accidents or the DIA Association for Accident Victims ), as well as offering alcohol-free menus for those who have hit rock bottom and are making a superhuman effort to abandon their dependence on the substance (Alcoholics Anonymous and similar).
On the other hand, obesity is a problem that seriously affects many countries in the world, such as Mexico, where the strong American influence has deteriorated the usual diet of Mexican people and has given way to a hybrid between fast food and traditional food . In Spain the situation is similar. It is difficult to compete against the satisfaction that hamburgers, hot dogs and pizzas (among others) produce in those who eat them. However, eating well is not at odds with enjoying tasty recipes.
World Obesity Day can be a great opportunity to show that eating healthily without sacrificing taste is a possibility . The Mediterranean diet makes it quite easy for us. In the process, we can also put an end to the preconceived idea that looking after your figure is not possible if you eat out. Keep in mind that this is one reason why many users refuse to go to restaurants, ending the stigma would have a very positive impact on the industry.