The growing use of biometric data in business scenarios – “payment by face”, methods of registration or identification for receiving services, access control – increases the risks of leakage of such information. Against this background, the global trend of increasing government regulation of this area is clearly visible, noted the participants of the conference “Biometrics in control and management systems”.
In international practice of regulating the circulation of biometric data, a distinction is made between “Western” and “Eastern” approaches
The director of the Biometrics division of Sberbank Oleg Yevseyev drew the attention of the conference participants to this. According to him, China became concerned content writing service about regulating the sphere of biometric information in 2012. Five years later, the All-China People's Congress adopted a corresponding law. According to it, all biometric data of Chinese citizens must be stored in a single state database, and organizations involved in the circulation of biometric personal data (PD) must connect to this system.

– IT specialists involved in the development of neural networks know that China is a leader in the creation of algorithms. Also, in terms of regulation of the high-tech sector, this country is also a leader, which took into account the requirements of regulators and businesses in its models.
The regulation of biometric information turnover in the United States is highly patchy due to the federal structure of the state. "The American approach is aimed at ensuring privacy – the security of a citizen's personal life. The EU countries have followed the same path," the expert noted.
Oleg Evseev, Sberbank:
– China has already gone through the process of establishing a system for regulating the sphere of biometrics application with a successfully operating centralized state base. Russia is following a similar path, and for Sberbank as the largest commercial biometric system, it is important to understand that this path has a happy ending.
Currently, Sberbank serves about 5 million unique clients per month. Clients have been served at the branches of the credit institution using biometrics instead of a passport since 2021. On November 28, Sberbank received accreditation in the field of authentication based on biometric personal data. "At the end of 2023 - beginning of 2024, we will provide our clients - legal entities with a system for using biometric data "like in Sberbank," - shared a representative of the credit institution.
At the end of November, the State Duma approved in the second reading a bill providing for tougher penalties for violations in the processing of biometrics. For incorrect work with biometric personal data (PD), legal entities - credit institutions or MFCs can be fined in amounts from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles.
This is quite a significant amount and a clear "whip" for companies that violate the law, said Alexey Muntyan, head of Privacy Advocates and co-founder of the Russian Association of Data Protection Specialists (RPPA), at the conference. According to Part 1 of Article 11 of the Law "On Personal Data", biometric data are information about the physiological and biological characteristics of a person that allow the identification of a person and are used for this purpose. He noted that.