The number of pages visited daily is not fixed. It varies depending on increasing popularity over time. When the popularity of the website increases, the number of pages crawled during the day also increases. Crawl budget is a concept that needs to be addressed in depth. We will cover this topic in depth in another article. By disabling the crawling of unnecessary pages to search engine spiders, you can make search engine spiders work faster and thus speed up your indexing time. In short; Thanks to the robots.txt file, you can show search engine bots that you use your crawl budget wisely. This feature can be considered as clear evidence that the robots.txt file is important for SEO.
You may want to find out if there is a robots.txt file already created on your website. To do this, simply type /robots.txt at the end of the home page URL and hit enter. You can review the information in your robots.txt file by adapting the above example URL to your own website. If you do not Marketing List encounter any textual elements when accessing this URL, it means that the robots.txt file exists but has not been intervened. If you receive a 404 warning after logging into the relevant URL, you have not created a robots.txt file yet. This way, you can access the robots.txt files of websites that have proven themselves in terms of SEO settings and edit your own robots.txt files accordingly.
In short, this method of finding robots.txt will also help you take your competitors as an example. How to Create Robots.txt? How to make robots.txt To create a robots.txt file, first create an empty txt file on your computer's desktop. Then rename this file robots.txt. Open your txt file and define User-agent:* in the first line. This definition indicates that the limitations will be valid for all search engines. Then type “Disallow:”. From now on, if you do not set any definition limits, search engine spiders will crawl your entire website. If you want to limit some scans, you can disallow recognition after notification. For example, defining Disallow: /wp-admin/ will prevent the wp-admin page from being indexed.