Especially when it is a service that not everyone needs.SECOND : analyzing the web analytics, we saw that an extremely low % were within the business's target audience. ages, and lifestyles totally distant from their business.THIRD : on social networks it was no different. Large communities, but not very segmented, in addition to content that is not at all focused.FOURTH : actions with influencers that generated many followers and a lot of engagement, but no closure.
FIFTH : digital advertising campaigns with audiences that are not at all segmented, without a clear focus.In short, it all comes Dominican Republic Phone Number List down to…LARGE AUDIENCE + VERY BROAD TARGET = LESS FOCUS, ZERO RESULTSIn short, the problem was…First, that person lacked a strategy with clear objectives. Second, she needed to have a clear picture of who his ideal client is and the whole story behind it.If you walk blindfolded, you will fall or get nowhere.Every business that seeks to be successful on the Internet must understand that its digital actions must be focused on connecting withthat consumerwho has a better chance of becoming your customer.
With today's consumer behavior and lifestyle, the least intelligent strategy is to throw a giant net into the digital sea to “see what we catch, if anything”The consumer of yesteryear vs the consumer of todayIt is imperative to know the consumerWhen you know your target audience in depth, connecting with them is easier, since you know exactly what their problems are and how you can help them solve them. With this information at hand, you only have to plan the combination of actions to take to attract those people to your website and there to get them to enter the sales tunnel, where other actions will be carried out to make them become customers.