writing and makes it great. And once you know how to do it, it’sactually one of the most enjoyable parts of the writing process, too. (Fewthings are more satisfying than sitting back after a good round of editing andthinking, “Okay. We’re good to go.”) Whether you’re writing for clients, yourcompany, or yourself, honing your self-editing skills is a quick and easy way toimprove your writing. , it’s an essential
skill and can help you land higher-paying clients. In thisarticle, we pulled Chinese Thailand Phone Number List together advice from Eleven’s team of professional writers,editors, and account managers to create a short, practical, powerful guide toself-editing. You’ll learn what to watch for, how to fix common mistakes, andhow long it should take. Some tips before you start Here are a few things tokeep in mind: • Don’t edit immediately after writing. Unless you’re on
a very tight deadline, be sure to take at least a few hours awayfrom your first draft before editing it. Go for a walk, watch an episode ofFriends, make yourself a cup of tea, work on something else—whatever. Yourbrain needs time to reflect, reorient, and regroup. You’ll spot more, movefaster, and enjoy it better. • Don’t edit when you’re tired. You’re more likelyto miss or introduce errors if you try to edit while you’re tired,