Industries Where PPC Performance Is Mixed During COVID-19 We’re keeping a close eye on a few industries that have the potential to see significant changes or shifts in the coming weeks. Real estate lending rates remain low and the housing market remains stable for now. Search traffic also remains relatively stable on the SERPs, with little change in search volume, CPC, or conversion rates. But some important shifts could have some important impacts on the industry.
The real estate development and construction industries are both seeing declining Bolivia WhatsApp Number conversion rates (-53% and -7% respectively), as well as declining search volumes. A slowdown in these areas could lead to reduced property supply in the future. Cost-per-click has increased for both real estate listings and real estate agent searches (up 15% in the past month). However, conversion rates for real estate listings dropped by -25%[size=14.6667px].
while conversion rates for real estate agents and brokers increased by 30%. more will turn to professional agents to schedule appointments. Search volume for relocation services increased by 11% while maintaining good CTR, CPC and conversion rates. Home Improvement March is typically a seasonal lull in home improvement projects, so we're not surprised to see home improvement searches slowly declining over the past few weeks. The coming weeks will be a litmus test for the industry.